Bull Terrier vs Labrador
Snoet with boyfriend Yip at the location where they first met eachother…
Dog Lovers Only: Everything you need to know to care for your dog – A Person's Best Friend.
Snoet with boyfriend Yip at the location where they first met eachother…
Bandog guard dog training demo here. Bandogges are usually a mixter of mastiff and pitbull. this ban dog, Tito, is not the usual cross for a bandogge. Can you guess what kind of mastiff and other bully breed he is. A true personal protection dog – Tito has a very friendly temperament.
Off leash obedience exercise with a Pit Bull -from Sit Happens in Denver
Bring your pit bull and meet the Dog Man every Sunday morning, at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. There is a parking lot entrance on Martin Luther King jr. Blvd. and Hoover which is just west of Figueroa.
Pitbull,Pit bull working out,Dog training,Pitbull training,Blue Pitbulls
Chow Chow, or Chow, is a breed of dog that was first developed in Mongolia about 4,000 years ago and was later introduced into China, where it is referred to as Songshi Quan which literally means “puffy-lion dog.”Westerners believed that Chow Chow was the original model for the Chinese guardian lion. In ancient China, where […]
great, the most strong and lovely dog
American Bully Kennel Club invited Sit Means Sit – Los Angeles to provide a dog training demonstration June 23 and 24. Thank you to Alfredo Cancino, President of the ABKC, for allowing us to show what a little patience and dedication can do for you and man’s best friend.
FRIENDSWOOD — A golden retriever, one of two dogs seized by authorities after the March 17 mauling death of owner Pamela Rushing, must be put to death — probably today, according to a settlement agreement reached Wednesday evening between Rushings family and the city.
Sit Means Sit Dog Trainer Lisa Harford of the Pennsylvania task force, is shown here with her Search and Rescue Pitbull “Rocky”.